A label should not be a gated kingdom, it should be an open circuit

Our logic @ StrLyte is more than simplicity, its minimalism. 

We don’t sell. Therefore hidden greed-enabled fees and swiping plots are 100% unnecessary

Your intellectual property is 100% yours, and we believe exactly that

We also believe that the path to your stream is also 100% yours

That is why transaction between our creative beings for creative resource is only existent by choice of availability

You see, our ever-growing circuit of creatives provide our flow w/ a powerful current that could be used to grow your stream

Sharing your piece of mind should never cost a dime, and @ StrLyte it doesn't have to.

While traditional industry labels [usually] charge and take from their artist[s], StrLyte believes in connecting our creative being[s] together to empower each other to GROW & DYSRUPT THE STREAM

Individually crafted distribution and publishing contracts paired with a network of in-circuit promotional resources is how StrLyte ensures that the effort to defining the future of industry is free, fluid, and fair.

Are you ready to plant your deposit?

Your creation, is no limit w/ StrLyte.

Send a form to start planting your first deposit to grow your stream.


currently connecting ………




