the team Dysrupting the stream

Transforming the way creative souls share their piece[s] of mind 9_insert period_0

Lastest deposits

Lastest deposits

@ StrLyte, we don’t sell artists that drop hot records MADE for the STREAM

We share intellectual beings that plant new deposits they KNOW are going to GROW & DYSRUPT THE STREAM



The Mission of the vision

The innovation of the music industry has turned musicians into [often]underpaid working employees.

The innovation of the film industry has turned filmography into a toxic workplace full of [often]underpaid working employees.

The innovation of the fashion industry has turned fashion into a disturbing machine of [often]underpaid employees.

The innovation of industry has yet to be determined.

That is why we ARE defining the future of industry as free, fluid, and fair



Contact Us

Are you ready to plant your deposit?

Your creation, is no limit w/ StrLyte.

Send a form to start planting your first deposit to grow your stream.

you can be the dysruption

The Question is,

Will You?